About CLPK Investments

Investors & Home Owners
Let CLPK INVESTMENTS transform and completely rehab your home, rental property, and office space. We finish our work in a reasonable time frame with excellent service and high quality work.
Every home is an investment opportunity

Chris Walton,
the owner and CEO of CLPK Investments brings more than 15 year of experience in general contracting and home rehabilitation. His penchant for detail, tireless work ethic, and commitment to doing excellent work easily makes him one of Cleveland’s top contractors and experts in Real Estate. His clients can attest to his fair pricing and the timely manner in which work is completed. They all agree that when working with CLPK Investments, you get tremendously more than what you pay for.
For your Real Estate needs, home rehabilitation and general contracting needs, invest in yourself by hiring CLPK Investments.
for homes
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We purchase older and newer homes that are unowned, uninhabited, and or unloved, with a plan to totally rehabilitate the home and raise its value.
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Whatever upgrading and updating the home needs – we do it. From bathroom remodeling and installation, flooring, roofing, plumbing, cabinetry, dry-wall, painting, windows, and HVAC.
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During slower times in the real estate market, we hold and maintain homes well, keeping them in pristine condition for the next potential lessee or buyer.
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After the complete home transformation, full of state-of-the-art upgrading and fixtures, we rent them at affordable costs to members of the community.
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Looking for a freshly renovated and modern home, at an affordable cost? Look no further! We offer competitive pricing for all of our homes on the market.
Please feel free to browse our gallery to see some of our latest work.